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It is always better writing services to opt for those editors or writers that are licensed so they will understand how to get the editing for term papers properly.
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It is always better writing services to opt for those editors or writers that are licensed so they will understand how to get the editing for term papers properly.
CHANGE: Ground herbal compresses will be used instead of an assembly of a fresh herbal compress due to time constraints.
Community Class rules
In order to keep the class price affordable for all, students must pitch in together to keep the teaching space clean and orderly. Each student is responsible to clean up after themselves (food, drinks, teaching items and products used) and keep their area/seat is clean. At the end of each day it will be a community effort to ensure room and teaching products and items are cleaned, packed and put away.
To fully participate and experience the traditional after birth recovery practices taught in class bring an old change of clothes you don’t mind getting herbal product or oil on. Students pair off and will be practicing the Bengkung wrapping standing-up and the massage lying down on the floor on your own matt. Also bring items that will make you comfortable such as slippers, comfy clothes, back pillow, etc.
Yoni Sauna
Bring an extra pair of underwear.
Heat-infused Abdominal Massage
Wear clothing that you won’t mind if it becomes stained from turmeric or oil.
Other supplies needed:
2 Hand – towels.
2 Bath towels.
Thick yoga matt or thick matt to use on the floor during massage. You can bring a small, flattish pillow for the head.
Hand wipes.
Notebook, pen/pencil, sharpie marker, colored marker.
Links to pre-reading material emailed to participants. It is important that material is read prior to attending the training.
1. Discover why Malaysia has the lowest rates of Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders (PMAD) in the world.
2. Distinguish and compare Eastern and Western postnatal recovery philosophies, and practices, by having a clear understanding of exactly what traditional postpartum recovery practices are, and what they are not.
3. Recognize the void of the lack of postnatal knowledge in the United States and fill it with the world’s most holistic and comprehensive practices, based on evidenced-based proof, and adapt it locally.
4. Explain the benefits of an actively, managed after birth recovery compared to an unmanaged, random recovery.
5. Convey confidently to clients the importance and benefits of actively managing the immediate healing from Day 1 during the first six weeks after pregnancy and childbirth, and then beyond with an initial beginning and an end in mind during Phase I of a new Mother’s healing.
6. Summarize post-pregnancy wellness and well-being and the combination is required for a holistic healing to take place.
7. Illustrate the natural process that takes places during the Puerperium period; why it is important and how Asian women successful harness and navigate the body’s transition back to a non-pregnant state.
8. Explain the effectiveness of how a yoni sauna, via steam therapy used for thousands of years, tones, heats, disinfects, heals and assists hormonal re-balancing.
9. Confidently discuss the importance of providing stability to a new Mother’s weakened core, by demonstrating the Malaysian-method of the traditional and modern Bengkung-style of wrapping the core.
10. Explain and demonstrate the importance in preparing a new Mother’s abdomen and core before wrapping so it is more comfortable there by maximizing the effectiveness of a postpartum garment.
11. List the benefits of how supporting a new Mother’s weakened core and self-infused heat encourages a post-baby body to release retained water, fat and air faster and more efficiently.
12. Identify the most effective and popular types of herbs used in Malaysian in a postpartum fresh herbal compress and how to assemble it.
13. Breakdown the specific Malaysian postnatal nutritional and diet guidelines and apply them to postpartum-ize recipes and meals.
14. Develop and personalized structured daily, recovery plans for clients to create an atmosphere that focuses on breastfeeding, healing and recovery and coach them through it.
15. Prepare Dads and primary helpers who will be a new Mother’s support system during the first six-weeks postpartum by specifying how, and what, their role will be according to the Healing and Recuperation Plan that is developed in supporting a new Moms breastfeeding, healing and recovery.
16. List the most popular and effective natural products Malaysian mother’s use after childbirth and why.
17. Identify and offer additional individual and bundled services: fresh herbal compress, abdominal preparation and wrapping, yoni sauna consultation and postnatal meal preparation.
18. Recognize how traditional feminine care can be incorporated into Doula self-care.
19. Create more detailed a personalized Client In-take form.
20. Business module: Clearly identify an ideal client by defining the perfect client avatar.
*Any material that cannot be covered in class due to time constraints will be contained in the student manual.
Cost includes the 2-Day workshop, The Mommy Plan (210 pages), student manual (150 pages), Malaysian postnatal product usage experience, postnatal recipes, morning snacks and tea.
Class flow
The class will run approximately from 9:00am – 6:00m. Two 15-minute breaks and one-hour lunch break anywhere between 12pm – 2pm. It is recommended that you bring a simple cold lunch, such as a sandwich, for ease of eating in case we are running behind schedule.
Students go home with:
Student manual (150-pages), The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women’s Traditional Wisdom, (210-page book) and one assembled fresh herbal compress.
Available for purchase:
Authentic Malaysian postnatal recovery herbal products will be available for purchase.
Certificate of Attendance: At the end of this course each student receives Doulas of North America (DONA) certificate of attendance.
Certificate of Comprehension: After completing a test and scoring at least 70%.
Certificate of Eco-Postnatal Care Specialist
Within six (6) months after passing the test each Practitioner-in-Training must submit the following report:
1. A report on the eco and traditional postpartum practices learned in the workshop provided to three (3) clients or five (5) non-clients including specific services – picture proof, personal observations and feedback signed by the person.
2. Three (3), 30-day recovery care plan including nutrition, meals, personal care, womb care and available mental health resources based on information learn in the training including Postnatal Diet Do’s and Don’ts.
For pricing and registration, please select your city and click on register.