Happy Mommies

Mommies Who are Inspired with Eco-Postnatal Care

Christina Liu

Favorites The Mommy Wrap  Boreh Body Scrub Postnatal Tea When I was first introduced to the Post-Pregnancy Wellness Kit I was struck by the delicious fragrance that came from the box upon opening. It was warm and comforting. Using the products has been a wonderful, sensual experience. The texture and aroma of each product is simply luxurious, each offering a different benefit and experience. After a long and arduous labor, I found the products supportive and healing. I’m glad I used this kit. My post-pregnancy body was a bit difficult to manage and connect with. Between the aching, bleeding and leaking and smelling, it was a bit of hard time. It has been great to have this beautiful, nourishing, and pleasant smelling product line to aid my recovery. Abdominal Wrap: This is one of my favorite products. After months of feeling stretched and expansive it was a relief to feel the gentle pressure around my hips and belly. It was also a help to my posture. After giving birth it was very difficult for me to sit up straight, due to exhaustion, breast weight that i was unaccustomed to or the hunched posture I had taken from nursing I don’t know. The wrap supported my back and ensured I spent more time with a straight spine. I plan to use this when I return to work, as a Massage Therapist, to support my back. Firming Herbal Blend Paste: I love the warm, tingling sensation that this gave my belly. Brown Formulation Body Soap: This is a great daily soap. It’s slightly coarse texture felt great against my skin and a month later I still have some waiting for me in the shower. Calming Herbal Blend Paste: Needless to say, there have been many sleepless nights since the birth of my baby. This product is great on those mornings after the night has been particularly sleepless. When the baby naps, I put this on my forehead and lay down with her. Between the effects of the paste and the joy of napping beside my baby, I wake feeling refreshed and ready to face the demands of motherhood. Herbal Massage Oil: I use this in the morning for an extra pick me up. Its scent left me feeling warm and invigorated. Both the oils come in abundant quantities and I will be using them for some time to come. Coconut Oil: I like to use this in the evening before bed. I found that a slow massage with this after a warm shower was just what I needed to help me settle into a quality sleep before waking every couple of hours to tend to my new baby. Feminine Herbal Wash: I use this in one of the perineum spray bottles given to me by the hospital. The deodorizing effect has been a great help. It also helped with the itching and tightness from my stitches. Boreh Body Scrub: I love this. The texture is fantastic, gritty and silky at the same time. Between this and the oils my skin is softer, moister and smoother than it has been in months. Herbal Bath: Unfortunately, I only got to use this once because I had a hard time taking a bath for the first few weeks, due to Post-Partum body realities (lochia) and an unwillingness to take a sponge bath because my apartment tends to be pretty cold most of the time. I emerged from my bath feeling really relaxed and smelling amazing. The tension in my sore back muscles was eased and my mind refreshed. Lavender Floral Water: This is great for a quick spritz on my chest between diaper changes and feedings. It really helps me with some of the anxiety and fatigue I have been experiencing since the birth of my baby. Herbal Recovery Tea: This was great to start immediately after giving birth while I was exhausted and overwhelmed (in that wonderful, just gave birth sort of way). This tea made it possible to nourish me while putting in zero effort.   Best, Christina Liu Montclair, New Jersey

Andrea Valley, Missouri

Favorites Postnatal Herbal Tea Herbal Bath Virgin Coconut Oil Receiving the box of New Mommy Wellness products was a pure delight. The presentation of the box was very grounding and natural. They thought about every aspect of postpartum wellness. There something for you to relax and rejuvenate. There’s something for your emotions and your physical well-being. They think of your whole body. The booklet is very easy to read and to follow. There is a great description of every product and how to use it. There is a chart on the back of the booklet, which is a great go-to guide on how long to use the products. The abdominal wrap instructions are very easy to follow. I had the feeling when I opened the box that these products would help me connect to a rich tradition of healing hands of womenfolk. Living in the west, I don’t have a tribe of women ready to do all these processes and hand down the traditions of healing to me. That came through for me in this box of products. It states in the booklet, “Heal from the inside out,” which really resonates with me. It takes care of the physical and hormonal aspects of recovery. Cold-press Virgin Coconut Oil: Fantastic! I found a million uses for coconut oil in the postpartum time from soothing baby’s bottom, help with sore nipples, and even the belly button healing. Brown Formulation Body Soap: An excellent daily use soap. I really enjoyed the exfoliation that it offered and it smells really invigorating. Herbal Recovery Tea: I really loved that there was a recovery protocol. Using them at different times of the day for my healing. I really enjoyed the ritual that followed. This tea has a very warming effect. I really enjoyed the turmeric, spicy flavor. Lavender Floral Water: a great pick-me-up throughout the day for any stressful moment, it was very relaxing. Boreh Body Scrub: gives a very warming effect when applied to the skin. It is very energizing. Calming Herbal Blend Paste: I used this on my forehead when I took a bath. It was very invigorating and calming at the same time. Herbal Bath: Used this religiously every night as part of my evening relaxation ritual, which I found to be very soothing. Firming Herbal Blend Paste: Found this to be excellent for increasing the tone of the tummy skin. Feminine herbal wash: This is extremely soothing to the perineum. Abdominal Wrap: I love the support that it offered, particularly in the early days when my core strength was very low. This is an excellent product for helping the abdominal muscles to go back to their original shape. Well done New Mommy Wellness! Thanks for the post-pregnancy love. You’ve thought of everything.   Andrea Valley, Kansas City, Missouri

Jennifer Willette

Favorites Lavender Floral Water  Brown Formulation Soap Virgin Coconut Oil Being a first-time mom I knew that everything I experienced with my baby was going to be an adventure. I also knew that postpartum care was a critical component of entering into motherhood. The more I read the more I learned how little focus was put on educating mom’s (especially first time mom’s ) on the changes your whole body and mind goes through during child birth. I got in touch with Valerie through my prenatal yoga/exercise studio and quickly learned how the New Mommy Wellness Kit focused on every aspect of postpartum care. The kit is self-explanatory and the booklet is an easy guide to follow. I also printed the calendar out and hung it right on my refrigerator to follow as a guide to healing. Most women think post-birth is only about the new amazing life we helped create but it is also very vital to take care of ourselves as well so we can feel the best we can and enjoy our little ones. Brown Formulation Body Soap: I used this both pre and post natal. It has a nice exfoliating effect and pure clean smell. My only wish was I could have used a bigger bar. I had to hide it so my family wouldn’t use it as well. Boreh Body Scrub: I really enjoyed the way my skin felt after using this product. When I felt slightly under the weather I felt this helped pull the toxins out of body. The texture was warm and comforting. You could feel it working. Herbal Recovery Tea: It helped me stay hydrated while learning to breastfeed for the first time. It took be quite some time to get used to the very distinct taste. Calming Herbal Blend Paste: I used this along with the herbal wash when I bathed. It had a nice calming effect. I applied it to my forehead and chin to soothe any angst I was feeling. Herbal Bath: It was more time consuming to prepare than I anticipated, but then again I am a first-time mom who was breastfeeding and recovering from an unplanned C section. However, when soaking in the bath I felt my energy change within minutes and felt balanced. Cold Press Virgin Coconut Oil: I never knew all the amazing uses for this amazing oil. I applied it daily to my body and extremely dry heels (all it did was snow for a month and a half). With its sweet smell, it also gave me a calm piece of mind. Herbal Massage Oil: I also used this daily as part of my post bathing routine. It left my skin supple and hydrated. Lavender Floral Water: I started each day by spraying this on my face and taking 3 deep breaths. I felt an instant sense of calm to take on the day. I also would also through it in my diaper bag if I felt I needed a shot of Zen. Feminine Herbal Wash: I put this in a squirt bottle which made it easy to use. Since I had a C section I didn’t have any tearing but had tenderness. I felt this helped keep everything clean. Firming Herbal Blend Paste: I used this with the abdominal wrap as advised. I felt the warmth of the paste and wrap working together to bring my core back in line. I am still wearing it two months after my son was born. Belly Wrap: This was the first item that drew me in to the New Mommy Wellness Kit. As I grew bigger with my new bundle of joy I knew that strengthen my core and pulling my stomach muscles together was key to feeling back to myself (for the most part). Although I could not wear the wrap as early as I would have liked. My C section left me recovering slower than I would have hoped or planned for. When I was able to wear it I felt the difference it made quickly. It pulls everything in to where it once was and allows your muscles to re-learn where they were and the many purposes they have. (Note: Jen tied her Mommy Wrap loosely around her c-section incision area and then tighter from above the navel. This provided 2-levels of support: 1. gentle around the incision and 2. tighter around the mid-section. A very smart mama!) It truly amazes me how necessary it is to take care of one’s own well being after giving birth however it is talked about so scarcely. I would recommend this kit to someone who is committed to working on their physical and mental health. One of the other most important things I learned was I needed a strong support system around me during this postnatal time. It took time and effort on my part to integrate the kit into my new mommy life but I feel it was worth it.   Warmest Wishes Jennifer Willette North Caldwell, New Jersey

Neela Ramjattan

Favorites Boreh Body Scrub Virgin Coconut Oil Brown Formulation Soap I was lucky enough to meet Valerie in a workshop at my job. Her insight into Eastern Medicine and view of post-partum recovery was eye opening for me. During her session and in her book there were great tips on what to do, how to take care of yourself and potentially help avoid post-partum depression which was my number one goal! Prior to my due date I was on on a mission to find the oils, the wrap, etc that were recommended in the book to ensure I was on the right road to recovery! At that point, I learned about the box that encompassed it all! The box of relaxation and healing as I like to refer to it as was very neatly packaged, clearly labeled, and very easy to follow! Along with the suggested calendar of when the products should be used, it was very easy, even with no sleep to follow and ensure my postpartum wellness was on the right path. Overall, the kit along with all of the natural products, great benefits, it gave me the excuse I needed for the much needed “ME” time everyday! Brown Formulation Body Soap: Great exfoliation soap, loved the smooth, clean feel it left me with after using! Cold Press Virgin Coconut Oil: Loved it!! A great moisturizer for myself and the baby! It did wonders especially for my face where I would not normally think to use an oil! In addition, I use it nightly after bath time to massage my baby, it calms her, keeps her moisturized and it’s all natural (no worries about parabens, etc) Herbal Massage Oil: In addition to using this after bathing, I used this oil especially around my neck which was stiff from nursing. Herbal Recovery Tea: Enjoyed drinking this tea during the day, ensuring I was keeping hydrated and helping my body to recovery! Lavender Floral Water: Great tool to de-stress at nap time, the scent wasn’t too strong to be overwhelming but enough when sprayed on my pillow to create a sense of calm. Boreh Body Scrub: LOVED this product, and looked forward to the days I got to use it. The instructions say to use 3 tablespoons of water, but i thought it was too watery, I used 3 teaspoons and found that it was the perfect texture. Left me with a warming feeling, relaxed muscles, and lovely smooth skin. Calming Herbal Blend Paste: Used this when taking a nap, provided a relaxing sensation. Herbal Bath: Used via sponge bath daily! After use I was ready to conquer the day ahead, very refreshing. Firming Herbal Blend Paste: Along with the abdominal wrap this helped to firm/tone my tummy! Feminine Herbal Wash: Used daily via a sitz bath during the first couple of days home, then sponge bath & on demand in a spray bottle. Helped greatly with easing perineum discomfort caused by stitches. Overall, a great set of products, I would use it again and would highly recommend it to mommies, new and experienced to ensure a successful recovery! Thanks to Valerie & team for introducing postpartum wellness to myself and to all the other Mommies lucky to find out about these products and bringing the healing practices of the East to the West!   Happy Mommy, Neela Ramjattan Union, New Jersey

Joselyn Thomas

Favorites Firming Herbal Paste Mommy Wrap Calming Herbal Paste I am still in awe of the amazing results these products have had on my body this time around. I gave birth to my second daughter on January 7, 2014, and a week after the arrival of this miracle I received the beautiful box that made all the difference in my healing. With my first child, who is now five years old, I didn’t have the access to the techniques or healing products I did this time around and wow what a difference it made! I’ve been a nurse for 12 years, healing and health is my profession, unfortunately the western style of medicine does not honor the recovery of childbirth as they should. Our bodies go through a slow 42 week process to bring forth life and somehow our hospital and home recovery is short and very disregarded for. I’ve been learning to implement holistic health methods in my life since my daughter was born 5 years ago and I must say this time around I took the full 40 weeks postpartum to heal from the inside out and this products sure had a huge impact on my healing. The virgin coconut and herbal massage oils were a daily ritual that made my skin feel nourished and soft. The coconut oil was used not only on my skin but on sore nipples from breastfeeding and on my daughters bum to help create a barrier instead of using chemical filled diaper creams. Even my oldest used the oil on her lips this bitter cold winter had cracked them and  they were healed almost overnight! The firming herbal belly paste was my favorite! The tingling warm feeling after applying and wrapping let’s you know it’s hard at work. The postnatal tea made me feel warmed up, less bloated and comforted from within. The body scrub and herbal bath were a trip to the spa without leaving your home! The scrub left my skin feeling new, this bitter winter had made my skin dull scaly and dry, the scrub took all that away and left a glow behind, washing with the bath mixture after completed the process. I used the lavender spray nightly. Sprayed it on my pillow and the baby’s clothes, it allowed us both to change the energy of the day into a soothing ready to sleep tone. The brown formulation soap was just an exciting process of showering, I saw the difference on the tone of my skin after about a week of use and adding the perineal feminine wash to my cleaning routines allowed my episiotomy to heal and made me feel fresh and clean. The calming paste was invigorating! Perfect for those days you need an extra pick me up from the lack of sleep and the wears of early motherhood. It relaxed me and allowed for rest that left me feeling refreshed and ready for more. Of course finding the time to use this product with 2 kids was challenging sometimes but well worth it Last but not least the belly wrap… Why wouldn’t the medical field come up with this simple yet important piece of healing? Your stomach muscles separate in order to accommodate a growing uterus, which after birth leave you with no core strength to get out of bed, pick up baby and even go about your daily life. Simply wrapping this around my torso gave me the support I needed to get up and about without that feeling of Jell-o muscles on my core! The length of the wrapping string was too short for my voluptuous shape but I added an extra piece to the end making it easier to tight the wrap, amazingly and to show you how fast our bodies have the ability to heal after birth I only needed the extra cloth for 2 weeks, my belly had shrunk enough to use it as it originally came. I would definitely recommend this product to all expectant mothers not only as a mom but as a professional as well.   Sincerely, Joselyn Thomas New Jersey

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