Actively managing the reverse of the effects of pregnancy, and healing from childbirth.
“The best gift a new mom can give their baby is a strong recovery.”
–Valerie Lynn
My priority is a mother or birthing person. A mother is recovering from two factors, the state of pregnancy and the event of childbirth. I look to global benchmarks to guide my clients. I insist on only the best.
There is a void in after birth care and recovery guidelines in western countries. A doctor’s responsibility ends with a healthy birth and mother. This is where my work begins. We will create a focused, personalized 30-day recovery plan for you, your family and lifestyle that includes the following:
Body care, meals, post-baby recovery precautions, recommendations, and temporary life style changes that protects your body and supports the healing process.
How is My Approach Different?
I re-educate my clients on post-baby recovery, based on the world’s top postnatal recovery protocol from Southeast Asia. Malaysia has the highest success rate of recovery, reflected by its lowest rate of postpartum mood disorders in the world at just 3%. Compare this with the United States that has a rate of 20%. This low rate is no coincidence. It is the result of Malaysia’s deep postnatal heritage that is a fusion of Chinese, Indian Ayurvedic, and Malay practices that are the largest ethnic groups in Malaysia. This protocol is two of the best-known practices in the world, combined with the most comprehensive practices I have come across.
Week-by-Week Planning
The postnatal body quickly, and progressively, heals week by week. Weeks 1 – 3, is the first significant stage of healing, then Weeks 4-6. We develop a plan for each week according to the progress of your body’s healing capability.
“What appeals to my clients? I reversed engineered the world’s most holistic postnatal protocol by putting science behind the evidence based proof. Now my clients understand how the healing guidelines effects their body and progresses their recovery.” -Valerie Lynn
Recovery from pregnancy and childbirth is a priority in Southeast Asia. The first 6 – 8 weeks after childbirth is when the serious healing takes place; it is filled with specific body care, abdominal treatments and wrappings, and meals and beverages that support the body’s healing capabilities resulting in a healthy, strong, and faster recovery. Through my research via the Malaysian Ministry of Health, I reversed engineered the most holistic postnatal protocol in the world by putting science behind the evidence-based proof. My year-long research project culminated in my first book, The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women’s Traditional Wisdom (2019, 2012).
Support the healing process by recognizing which foods may disrupt breast milk production, hormonal re-balancing, and loss of retained pregnancy water, fat, and air. My second book, The Mommy Plan Recipe Book – Healing Meals: Simple Recipes for New Moms (2020), takes into consideration the postnatal anatomy while applying postnatal food science to recipes that have been adapted for a western diet and lifestyle.
Pregnancy is natural and so should be the healing products. Each client receives an Eco-Postnatal Care Set consisting of a combination of ten eco-products selected for their maximum effectiveness. There is a daily usage chart identifying when each product should be used that is accompanied by product usage videos.
Less is more. By the time we complete our preliminary coaching sessions, you will understand which gentle exercises are necessary to realign and support your body, support and assist the healing process. Too much exercise will work against the healing process.
I work intensely with clients to establish the necessary mindset for the fourth trimester.
Hormone levels double or triple during pregnancy. Re-balancing of hormone levels may take months. However significant re-balancing normally occurs within the first 6 – 8 weeks. We check in weekly and evaluate the effects on the body, such a hot flashes, cold flushes, occurrence of weepiness, or unusual emotional swings, and track the progress.
Yes, your partner welcome and encouraged to join.
Normally 4 – 6 sessions.
1-1.5 hours.
Zoom or In-person. I will use a PowerPoint presentation with videos and 2-D animation.
Ideally begin coaching sessions between Weeks 30 – 35, and have a plan designed and in place by week 37. However, I have started with clients between Weeks 38 – 40 or later.
Each client will receive:
- Two books: The Mommy Plan and Healing Meals.
- Eco-Postnatal Care Set – 10 products, video links, and product usage charts.
- 2 herbal compresses.
My Service Packages:
Virtual Coaching + Eco-Postnatal Set
Not only do you get postnatal coaching, you get healing products in the form of an Eco-Postnatal Care Set that supports your healing week by week.
Includes the following:
- Eco-Postnatal Care Set
- Product usage videos.
- Printable daily, product usage charts.
- Book: The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women’s Traditional Wisdom.
- Cookbook: Healing Meals: Simple Recipes for New Moms.
- Second or Third Trimester: 2.5 hours of virtual coaching before giving birth.
- Fourth Trimester: 2.5 hours of virtual coaching after giving birth.
Virtual Coaching + Eco-Postnatal Set + Baby Wellness
Includes the following:
- Eco-Postnatal Care Set
- Product usage videos.
- Printable daily, product usage charts.
- Book: The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women’s Traditional Wisdom.
- Cookbook: Healing Meals: Simple Recipes for New Moms.
- Baby Wellness package: Supporting your baby’s digestive and immune systems.
- An instructional session on Malaysian-style of baby massage for colic and relaxing.
- 3 baby abdominal wraps for comfort and digestive health.
- 2 herbal poultices for baby massage.
- 1 bottle of calming massage oil.
- All products are imported from Malaysia.
- Second or Third Trimester: 3 hours of virtual coaching before giving birth.
- Fourth Trimester: 3 hours of virtual coaching after giving birth.
Virtual Coaching + Eco-Postnatal Set + Baby Wellness +Designing your daily Postnatal Nutrition, Meal Plan and Personal Care for the first 30-days.
Includes the following:
- Eco-Postnatal Care Set
- Product usage videos.
- Printable daily, product usage charts.
- Book: The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women’s Traditional Wisdom.
- Cookbook: Healing Meals: Simple Recipes for New Moms.
- Baby Wellness package: Supporting your baby’s digestive and immune systems.
- An instructional session on Malaysian-style of baby massage for colic and relaxing.
- 3 baby abdominal wraps for comfort and digestive health.
- 2 herbal poultices for baby massage.
- 1 bottle of calming massage oil.
- All products are imported from Malaysia.
- Designing your daily Postnatal Nutrition, Meal Plan and Personal Care for the first 30-days
- Second or Third Trimester: 4 hours of virtual coaching before giving birth.
- Fourth Trimester: 4 hours of virtual coaching after giving birth.
Virtual Coaching + Eco-Postnatal Set + Baby Wellness +Designing your daily Postnatal Nutrition, Meal Plan, and Personal Care for the first 30-days + In-home Abdominal Wrappings and Healing Body Treatments.
Includes the following:
- Eco-Postnatal Care Set
- Product usage videos.
- Printable daily, product usage charts.
- Book: The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women’s Traditional Wisdom.
- Cookbook: Healing Meals: Simple Recipes for New Moms.
- Baby Wellness package: Supporting your baby’s digestive and immune systems.
- An instructional session on Malaysian-style of baby massage for colic and relaxing.
- 3 baby abdominal wraps for comfort and digestive health.
- 2 herbal poultices for baby massage.
- 1 bottle of calming massage oil.
- All products are imported from Malaysia.
- Designing your daily Postnatal Nutrition, Meal Plan, and Personal Care for the first 30-days.
- 3 – 1-hour: In-home body treatments and abdominal wrappings.
- Second or Third Trimester: 4 hours of virtual coaching before giving birth.
- Fourth Trimester: 4 hours of virtual coaching after giving birth.
Virtual Coaching + Eco-Postnatal Set + Baby Wellness +Designing your daily Postnatal Nutrition, Meal Plan, and Personal Care for the first 30-days + In-home Abdominal Wrappings and Healing Body Treatments + Postnatal Meal Service.
Includes the following:
- Eco-Postnatal Care Set
- Product usage videos.
- Printable daily, product usage charts.
- Book: The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women’s Traditional Wisdom.
- Cookbook: Healing Meals: Simple Recipes for New Moms.
- Baby Wellness package: Supporting your baby’s digestive and immune systems.
- An instructional session on Malaysian-style of baby massage for colic and relaxing.
- 3 baby abdominal wraps for comfort and digestive health.
- 2 herbal poultices for baby massage.
- 1 bottle of calming massage oil.
- All products are imported from Malaysia.
- Designing your daily Postnatal Nutrition, Meal Plan, and Personal Care for the first 30-days.
- 3 – 1-hour: In-home body treatments and abdominal wrappings.
- Postnatal meal service: a combination of healing teas, meals, snacks, and desserts.
- Second or Third Trimester: 4 hours of virtual coaching before giving birth.
- Fourth Trimester: 4 hours of virtual coaching after giving birth.