Malaysian Postnatal Practitioner Services
Creating your postnatal recovery plan.
In Asia, it is common for families to engage a live-in postnatal practitioner for four to six weeks after childbirth to focus on the recovery and recuperation of the mother. The drain on a woman’s body during pregnancy, and then the strain during childbirth is well understood. Therefore, specific body treatments and meals are provided for 30-40 days to restore and replenish the mother. This is why mothers have much stronger and faster recovery in the East.
Now it is possible to engage your very own personal, postnatal practitioner focusing on your recovery from pregnancy and childbirth, in the privacy and convenience of your home. Our emphasis is holistic care. We support the body’s active healing process by replenishing the drained nutrients so the body can repair itself consistently and quickly.
A better physical recovery has a positive impact on hormonal re-balancing, the release of retained, water and fat and improved energy levels, which contributes to a holistic physical and mental restoration. – Valerie Lynn
Malaysia is a beautiful country located in Southeast Asia, slightly north of the equator. It has the lowest rates of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders in the world at just 3%. This is not a coincidence; it is due to a carefully planned recovery after pregnancy and childbirth that new mothers follow. Malaysia’s deep postnatal heritage consists of Indian Ayurvedic, Chinese and Malay influences. This combination of cultures, with common underlying postnatal principles, results in true holistic recovery philosophies, beliefs, treatments, skills, and guidelines that may be adapted for any family, culture, or religion. The purpose behind the Malaysian recovery protocol focuses on the “active, process of the revision of pregnancy,” or when the body is reversing the effects of pregnancy.

Consultation, Coaching, and Personal Support
Valerie Lynn is an expert in the field of Malaysian Postnatal Recovery Practices, a holistic health coach, author, and international speaker. She fuses the cultural gap between our client’s understanding of postnatal recuperation with the most holistic postnatal recovery practices in the world. Our clients get more out of our services when they understand how they facilitate the healing process. Common results are a better supply of breastmilk, overall strengthening, and toning of the body, recovered core and perineum. This type of balanced healing improves energy levels and mental stamina so a mother can better meet the needs of her newborn.
Valerie serves as your contact throughout the time our practitioner is in your home via phone, text, and email to ensure you are supported in a way that facilitates a consistent, recovery to take place. Postnatal coaching sessions take place before childbirth, starting between weeks 30 – 35 and prior to the arrival of the practitioner. We re-educate our clients on the recovery phase so there is a comprehensive understanding of what to expect during the intense healing phase. We walk you through the personal care and meal services.
Each Client Receives:
- A detailed, daily plan of nutrition, meals and body care that serves as a guideline for the duration of our practitioner’s stay.
- 5 hours of private, virtual or in-person coaching sessions prior to giving birth.
- Eco-Postnatal Care Set – 10 products the practitioner will be using for treatments.
- Daily check-in and continued support after childbirth for the length of our contract.
- Valerie’s two books:
- The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women’s Traditional Wisdom.
- The Mommy Plan Recipe Book – Healing Meals: Simple Recipes for new Moms.
Sample of Coaching Modules:
- The Importance of the 4th trimester.
- The First Six Weeks: The Healing Window of Opportunity.
- Introduction of Traditional Postnatal Practices.
- The Malaysian Postnatal Protocol, the global benchmark.
- Malaysian Eco-Postnatal Care and eco-friendly products.
- Preparation for Your Recovery After Pregnancy and Childbirth.
- Malaysian postnatal nutrition, Diet Do’s and Don’ts, personal care, mental health checks.
- Healing body treatments provided by the Malaysian Traditional Postnatal Practitioner.
- Baby care provided by the practitioner.

We create a care plan prior to our practitioner’s stay with you. Our services are customized week by week to reflect the progression of the healing and recovery taking place. The care we provide to a new mother is highly individual and takes into consideration the physical condition of the mother after giving birth. Each pregnancy is unique as is each postpartum healing period.
Our Postnatal Practitioners
Our postnatal practitioners are highly skilled and knowledgeable as they have undergone extensive, specialized training and certification in the field of Malaysian postnatal recovery practices in body care, meals, baby care, and postnatal herbs. The sole responsibility to care for a new mother, and her baby. We will best match your needs with our registration of practitioners. You will be able to interview and speak with the selected candidate.
Countries Serviced to Date: Australia, Canada, Italy, France, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Singapore, Taiwan, USA, United Arab Emirates.
Packages: 2 – 6 weeks
Below is a sample of a 2-week package. The standard services provided by our Malaysian Postnatal Practitioners; however, each package is additionally customized and personalized for each client based on the condition of the Mother after childbirth and personal preference. | |||
Services | Number of sessions per 2 weeks | App. Timing | Details |
Recirculation Massage body, breast, head and womb massage PLUS Calming herbal blend paste |
8 | 60-90 minutes |
A whole-body massage for re-circulation, improving blood flow, and simulating the body to release retained water, fat, and air faster. The breast massage stimulates milk production and is a prevents engorgement. Head massage is to relax the muscles and arteries surrounding the head, reducing headaches due to hormonal re-balancing and sleep deprivation. A unique component is a gentle womb massage that helps position the womb back to its original pre-pregnancy position. A calming paste is applied to the forehead that is a traditional paste to combat postnatal blues and hormonal headaches. It is both calming to the mind, relieves headaches from lack of sleep, and refreshes the eyes. |
Hot stone abdominal / body |
10 | 30 minutes | Heat is infused into the abdominal area, shrinking the womb, stimulating the body to release retained water, fat, and air helping to restore the body to its original state. |
Herbal poultice abdominal / body |
4 | 45 minutes | A combination of aromatherapy, deep head, and massage for the body. Relieves pain and fatigue, further promotes the body to release retained elements of water, fat, and flatulence. |
Herbal bath | 5 | 20 minutes if soak, if a sponge bath then a few minutes | Refreshes and warms the body, relieves body aches from labor and birth, improves blood circulation, removes the air or wind from the body. |
Body Scrub | 4 | 20-30 minutes | Prepares the body for postnatal treatments and wrapping by removing dead skin cells allowing for maximization absorption of herbal products. |
Abdominal and core wrapping from the hips up to under the bust plus abdominal herbal firming paste | Daily | 30 minutes | Stabilizing a weakened core is paramount to postnatal recovery. It protects the internal organs by supporting them and holding them in place so they do not pool in the lower abdomen causing a pooch; quickly shrinks and tightens the flanks of the stomach, assists the cervix to close faster as hips are included in the wrap, supports and helps heal diastasis recti of the abdomen, lengthening of the spine allows the energy network within the body to flow better, improves breastmilk production and breastfeeding, supporting the spine helps with backache from slouching to pick up baby and breastfeeding position. |
Yoni sauna – perineum heat therapyAs needed, depends on the healing of the Mother, when lochia is diminished. |
20 minutes |
A restoring practiced enjoyed when the heavy lochia bleeding has subsided. Herbal steam is absorbed by the perineum area reduces bloating, warms the body, speeds healing, and toning of the reproductive system after childbirth.
Begin 2-3 weeks after heavy menses stop. |
Newborn Care | 2 x day | 1 hour | Daily bath in the morning followed by a gentle herbal compress and oil massage to support the newly functioning digestive system and for relaxation finishing up with a tummy wrap that provides comfort by emulating the womb and supporting the digestive system. |
Postnatal Meals Drinks and teas. Lunch and dinner every second day.
2-4 hours |
Postnatal meals assist the digestive system to recover and the restoration of depleted energy and blood loss during pregnancy and childbirth. Malaysian herbs used in postnatal meals will be brought from Malaysia, however, most ingredients are locally purchased by client. Sample meals, vegetarian options are also available: Grilled, salmon, and honey with spices. Golden fish with turmeric and spices. Herbed chicken with healing spices. Herbal chicken soup. Postnatal teas for blood circulation, breast milk, and eye care. |
Press Coverage

Baby & Child Magazine, Dubai, UAE
The Mummy Sitters, The Women Using Ancient Practices to Care for New Mothers Baby and Child Magazine
Your postnatal dream team is only a phone call away
People are more than just their bodies. We are a complex blend of our experiences, choices, personalities, and environment. Who we are is also shaped by how we care for ourselves. Our mind, body, and spirit have a vital connection; one that can be used to improve our overall sense of well-being. The potential for greater health and vitality is within us … it’s only a conversation away.